So Saturday was full of Halloween fun, Daddy was still out of town, so I was left to entertain the little ones.. The first stop was the Glacier visitor center.. It had to be the coolest Halloween party in town! It was filled with ghoulish stations that were all geared towards Alaska..
The world renown Alaskan Blood sucker- The mosquito. The skeleton station had a display of skeletons like the Alaskan bats, beavers, bears, seals and what not. Another station was about carnivorous Alaskan plants.. Each station had a game for the kids to play, for example the skeleton station was pin the skull on the skeleton.
The absolute coolest part was after getting the kids loaded back in the car a big ol black bear crossed the parking lot full of people. I did hop out of my car to try and snap a picture, but evidently I was kind of flustered, in a hurry and I didn't have time to zoom in. And well, my picture is just a black fuzzy spot far off in the distance.
Anyhoo here are the kids sporting their face paintings.. After the glacier we went to Eli's school carnival for 2 more hours of fun filled haloween fun!

After all that FUN I must admit I was in NO MOOD to go home and cook so we drove down town for our world famous Cheese-less pizza.. Eli went for strait pineapple Ms. Emma's and mine had pineapple, red pepper and red onion!!! It was kinda funny, there was a new waiter who while I was ordering repeated
Cheese less like 5 times, like I was out of my mind! he kept trying to confim he had heard me right..He evidently had never served a cheese less pizza and found it quite unbelievable.. (at least that was my impression) Well, at least it was served w/o cheese.. it could have been worse! We have had many send it back to the kitchen incidences because of communication break downs between us- the waitress and the cook.

Okay, Sundays dinner>>> what did I do with my extra hour? (day- lights saving time) I made
seitan.. Then made some home made
whole wheat hamburger buns.. I then used the
seitan to make
sloppy joes.. (I replaced the hamburger w/ 2 1/2 cups
seitan, diced) Me oh my... It was pretty good. Not great though, the kids ate it so I really can't complain. I left out the ever important green pepper 1) because I didn't have one and 2) Eli would have never eaten it. I think that would have really made the recipe complete though. Oh Well! Oh ya, I also made
Dreenas home style chocolate chip cookies so little Ms. Emma would have a treat to bring to
pre-school for her Halloween party extravaganza..
This was Mr. Daddy's welcome home dinner .. YEA!!! Daddy is finally home!!

Home made hamburger buns w/
seitan sloppy
joes and a fabulous garden salad.

Monday was my signature spaghetti sauce w/ all the vegan fixings.. Tuesday was Halloween so we just had left over spaghetti.. Ya for leftovers!!!

Here is little Ms. Emma Halloween haul.. the left side is at least milk and egg free (she is allergic to dairy).. I did not read the labels for bug parts, gelatin or non-vegan sugar .. we are by no means purest- and I don't buy candy
ever- so I can't image once a year it will hurt.