Coca-coconut chili w/ kinda corny muffins.
Well, I did it! I got my Eat Drink & Be Vegan cookbook! After reading it from cover to cover, I found it a bit difficult to decide what to make first! So much goodness! One of my problems you see my little Eli is allergic to cashews- how sad huh? And well, Honey reacts to raw nuts. Funny thing is those recipes that call for cashews were just calling my name! Drats. Maybe it is time to make a huge pot o spaghetti so the boys could have left overs and Emma and I could enjoy some cashew goodness! I just dread making two dinners, this way everybody is happy..
I thought I would try the Coca-Coconut Chili first w/ the kinda corny muffins. I have tried MANY different chili recipes on the little ones - they just are not chili fans. Emma gave this one a sideways thumb- i.e. not a thumbs up but, not a thumbs down either. Both kids ate their dinner all gone though.. w/a little coaxing. It was good, just a tad different. I didn't add the whole amount of coca powder it called for- maybe it was the brand I used it seemed a bit overpowering. Who ever would have thought to add a can of coconut milk and shredded coconut to chili?

The muffins were awesome! I haven't done much wheat-free cooking and was surprised how good they turned out.
A couple of days later I recycled the chili into a hamburger helper kinda of the dish (dare, I use that term here?). I boiled up some macaroni -drained and in the same pot made some nutritional cheese sauce. I mixed half the sauce w/ the cooked noodles added the chili and topped it off w/ more cheese sauce. Now that was a hit w/ the kids!
Stay tuned for more ED&BV goodness to come! ohh and I got my veganomicon cookbook over the weekend.. If a need me I will be on the couch reading my new cookbooks.
All these new cookbooks have my head spinning! But it is totally worth it. What a unique chili recipe! So sad about the nut allergies, that's a tough one.
I am getting ED&BV in the mail hopefully this week, can't wait!
i cant wait to got those books!!!
so sad about the nut allergies.
I also have about 5 new cookbooks I am trying to make my way through. My poor Veganomicon is still in the bag in my car!
Aren't the new cookbooks fun! I think coconut in chili sounds great and I can't wait to try it with those muffins. Sometimes Chase gives me a hard time about all the H'burger Helper I fed him when he was a kid. I would LOVE to make that for him now!
Julee ~
How weird, I now know of three people who have cashew allergies! I thought it was just me (I started breaking out in hives after eating them just last year!). Now it's me, your son, and vegan ice cream girl!
So, let him know he's not alone. :) My husband can't eat a lot of whole wheat, so I know what it's like to pick through recipes.
that "hamburger helper" dish looks wickedly good! i wanna eat at your house! :)
enjoy your new cookbooks!
Coconut milk and coconut shreds to chili - That's interesting!
Your kids are really lucky! I envy them :)
Awesome way to re-use the chile.
I love recycled meals! Both dishes look great. How sad to have a cashew allergy...i just dedicated a whole post to cashews! I'd be lost without them.
oh my goodness, that "hamburger helper" type dish looks soo good! looks like good comfort food for the colder weather!
I'm right there with you, on the couch, reading cookbooks! By the way, I wish I was your neighbor so I could come over and gobble up any leftover chili that your kids didn't want, or any cashewy goodness that you made!
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Vegan Meet
That chili looks awesome. I love soup nuts, haven't had any around the house for too long. That "hamburger helper" looks yummy too. I'm all for anything mac n' cheezeish, the addition of chili sounds great.
Too bad about the nut alergies :( I can't wait till my 'nomicon gets here. I want to make the cassoulet.
Your kids are so cute!!! Chili is always terrif...glad your gang gave it the thumbs up. Happy Cooking!
so many awesome new cookbooks right now! the chili sounds fabulous as I'm a HUGE coconut fan! Love the photos of your cute-pie kids! :)
Cool - I never thought of using leftover chili to make a 'hamburger helper' type dish! I'll definately give that a try!
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