a few dinners + a trip to the glacier
It has been one long busy week especially with daddy gone.
This was our dinner the night before Daddy got home. Fast food. A veggie burger. Really, it was that or drive 25 miles to our favorite pizza place and this was just way more economical. (Although, they do make a mean cheese-less pizza!) Eli loved the "burger", raved about it! Emma tells me she prefers the bocca burgers from Costco. One of the few items she can eat there when they have their sample tables set up.
Ohh baby! Let me tell ya about this one! Eggplants must be a tricky item to ship here. They are over priced and often to soft, dented, or bruised w/ moldy tops. Ewww, hardly ever worth buying. But, on that rare occasion that they are fresh looking and even on sale.. Yea! this was the case. The asparagus was on sale too. And we all LOVE asparagus! Any way.. this is Baked breaded eggplant from the Venturesome Vegetarian (it's a beautiful vegan cookbook). It is very reminiscent of eggplant parmesan w/o the cheese and well, baked not fried. The eggplant is dredged in pureed silken tofu and then bread crumbs and baked. I topped it w/ some spaghetti sauce I had in the freezer. This was Daddy's welcome home dinner! I didn't take a picture but, the next day for lunch we had the baked eggplant in a pita w/ sauteed onions, green pepper some sauce and a slice of veganrella, a truly PERFECT combo!
This dinner was also awesome. But, it took me all day to prepare. I again made Bryanna's "chicken" curry filling as I did here. This time I used it to make "egg rolls". For the adults I also added shredded cabbage and carrots. The kids I added some mashed sweet potatoes. The won tons here are filled w/ mashed sweet potatoes, then baked. I was going to try and bake the egg rolls too, but really after putting so many hours into the prep I really wanted them done right. Honey was happy to hear that!
Quinoa and Black Beans (a repeat ). To this recipe I add a can of fire roasted tomatoes and a can of green chili's. I also serve it over a bed of shredded romaine lettuce. Delicious, kid friendly and a one pot full of protein wonder!
On Friday I volunteered to go on a preschool field trip to the glacier. Good times. A global warming side note..I grew up here and have watched this glacier shrinking myself. I moved away for about fifteen years and was quite stunned when I came back and saw it again. I should dig up and scan some of my old photos from 25 years ago when the glacier use to come to about where the waterfall is in the above photo. There was a trail along the right side of the lake and I remember we would be walking right next to the glacier and could reach out and touch it.

I just googled Mendenhall glacier and found this pic (want to see it high resolution?) on a noaa site from 1981. Crazy huh? that rock point in front of the glacier is where the we took the above photos from.

Wow, those two pictures certainly tell a tale... we really don't see dramatic effects like that day-to-day. You must have breathtaking nature scenes all around you, do you?
The food all looks fabulous, btw... those egg-rolls are esp appealing to me today! :)
Awesome food--as always. I never heard of the Venturesome Vegetarian cookbook but I'll have to check it out.
I have never seen a glacier. How amazing that you can see this so readily. (And how sad that it is melting because of GW)
ALl that food looks fantastic. The eggplant looks so crispy and perfect...I'll have to check out that cookbook (I've never heard of it). I also think the eggrolls look amazing. I love crunchy finger food like that.
It must be difficult to deal with all the bruised or sad looking produce you get up there "among hte trees". I take it for granted how accessible fruits and veggies are in Ontario. Last xmas I was in St John's Newfoundland where my boyfriend lives, and I saw the sadest looking cauliflower for $6. I was shocked!
Wow! That glacier is amazing in the pic, I can't imagine what it must be like to see it in person.
Thats a great idea to use tofu to get the breadcrumbs to stick to the eggplant before baking it, I may have to try it sometime :)
That's amazing--and terribly sad--about the glacier. When I saw An Inconvenient Truth, one of the saddest points of the whole movie was about the glacier melting. And some people say global warming is not real??! Grrrowl.
Everything you made looks quite yum. I'm particularly interested in the eggplant--I'll have to give something like that a shot sometime!
I like your egg roll idea. They sound so good. But the eggplant really is so spectacular. It looks delicious and fresh and healthy. I'll have to check out that book.
The glacier is really a spectacular sight. I've never seen one in person. It's sad how much environmanetal destruction we've done.
Wow, living and breathing "An Inconvenient Truth" - both wondrous and sad at the same time, no? Love seeing the glacier... what's left of it. That's what struck me from Al Gore's movie the most, the polar bears drowning... so harrowing and heartbreaking... Thank you for sharing the photos. The kids are adorable... they're our future and i love that they are out there seeing what's in nature.
The food looks so good, love the burger, entranced by both the eggplant dish and your egg rolls!
Wow, what a creepy difference in those photos. Thanks for sharing. I've only seen a glacier in Colorado and this looks amazing.
all of your food looks awesome, i will like some of those egg-rolls!
that is so sad about the glacier! global warming is so bad.
Wow, amazing photos!!! And sometimes, a simple meal is just right.
Thanks for sharing, G
Any food in a wrap is a winner with me!
Thanks for the great pics of the glacier. How awesome to be right there with it!
Oooh! That eggplant looks great. I, too, like to tofu idea to get the breadcrumbs to stick! Looks yummy!
The glacier photo is both very beautiful and sad too. I bet it's hard for you to witness that in person. The field trip looks fun though.
Wow.. what a sad tale those pics show...
wow that is pretty sad about the glacier
thanks for sharing
It must be hard to see how much the glacier has melted - damn global warming! Has anyone seen Gore's film?
I love quinoa!!
the eggplant dish looks so delicious - nice score at the store. and the difference between the glacier photos is shocking and scary -- an inconvenient truth floods my mind. to see such a dramatic change in our short lives is revealing -- i hope everybody can get on board a change. it's wonderful that you could spend the day with the kids getting to know the world's wonders.
Don't get me started on Global Warming . . . it's not supposed to be 80 degrees here in October! I want to crunch through the leaves in a sweater, not in a tank top! Garn.
Cute kids and yummy looking food, by the way! I love the wrapping paper Emma made for her friend's birthday present!
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