From the comment box on my last post...
Let me first say I love to read the comments that you all post! it just tickles me to no end!
thanks for stopping by my little ol blog..
I thought I would share these with you ..
Well, mostly Crystal, who I get the feeling is hearing her biological clock ticking a bit louder these days. Over at Motherhood uncensored she started this challenge of sorts using flikr where you can make your own motivational poster.. these are some posters that her readers came up with (Crystal had asked for kids throwing fits): earplugs, birth control, Parenting, and my favorite - climb every mountain- okay that one is just too cute!
Crystal also asked if I like living in Alaska. Well, I have traveled a bit in the "states"; up and down the west coast many times, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho. A bit on the east coast; Maryland, D.C., West Virgina, Virgina. And I have been to Hawaii, driven through Canada, been to Thailand and Hong Kong. I have also been fortunate enough to have traveled to many very remote parts all over Alaska. And, I couldn't imagine living any where else. Where I live now is a pretty small town of 30 thousand people (third largest city in Alaska). It is unbelievably beautiful. We live in a rain forest near the ocean surrounded by mountains, glaciers and wildlife. The downside is we live in a rain forest and it is often rainy or overcast here. Another down side is what the locals call "island-itis" - the only way out of here is by ferry boat or plane, and both are pretty spendy.
Leslie asked about the mix diet family.. yes, we all still eat sea food occasionally.. And Daddy-o and kids will order some meat now and then when we eat out. Which is becoming very rare these days. I prepare (I am guessing) 99% vegan food-breakfast, lunch and dinner.. the 1% would be vegetarian because the boys still eat real cheese, yogurt and eggs now and then. Our transition to being vegan is still a work in progress but, coming along quite nicely..don'cha think?
ya, uh thanks Gaia for pointing out my spelling errors.. ewww!
Now on to the food...
Let me just say this was the best stroganoff I ever made! I made the seitan using my old recipe: a combo of Vegan w/ a Vengeance and some "chicken" spice. A funny side note, as I was making the seitan little Emma started eating it out of the pot when it was cooling .. straight up and she loved it! A far cry from a few months ago when I couldn't get anybody to eat the stuff. Anyhoo I also used the Seitan-Portobello Stroganoff recipe from the same book on pg 163. If you don't have the book, both of the recipes can be found on the post punk kitchen. Anyway, of course I had to make some kid friendly changes, like pureeing the onions and mushrooms. I also just used large white mushrooms (much cheaper, and its what I had on hand). I didn't use the red wine, I react w/ a migraine to the smallest amounts. The recipe called for 1 cup of burgundy so I substituted 1/2 cup red wine vinegar and 1/2 cup veggie broth. I can only imagine that the original recipe would very much be a restaurant quality meal!

I was intrigued to try this Cheeze Rice and Broccoli Casserole from the un-cheese cookbook after seeing it on Vegandiva's blog. Well, as Eli is constantly reminding us- he DOES NOT LIKE his broccoli mixed w/ anything! So, both kids had to be a bit coaxed to finish their dinner. I thought it was pretty good and VERY easy to make! I also made more "chicken" nuggets (w/ the seitan I made the other day). This time I used a recipe on the back of the bisquick box. It worked! The seitan is coated w/ bisquick and some seasonings then, I baked it (not fried) w/ a tbls of earthbalance melted in a bottom of the baking pan.
mmm...I've gotta make nuggets again soon. those look fantastic. The strogonoff is amazing, as is the picture.
I laughed so hard I was crying when I read those posters. I also liked the one for Achieve and Always Show Grace.
Your photos are always so beautiful so I can understand why you'd like living where you do. But I can also see how it might be difficult at times. Hopefully there's a good job economy!!
I think you're doing just great being vegan! Your foods are fabulous looking and delicious tasting. Don't worry too much about the 1%. Life's about the journey, right?
Aww, I love seeing those motivational posters! The lingerie cracks me up. I have a whole drawer full of really pretty things to wear...just never quite get around to wearing them! Lol! I have no excuse either, my only child is 11 and a half! Lol! Cute link though, thanks for the laughs!
Alaska and the area in which you live sounds beautiful. It must be nice to know that where you live is your favorite place to be! (I'm still hunting.) I am new to your blog, and will have to go back and scroll through for some photos of where you live! :)
Your dinners look so good! Congrats on all your work to promote veganism in your home. The kids eating seitan plain is quite an accomplishment! You make amazing and healthy foods, and it's so nice to see your kids enjoying them!! (They are totally adorable!)
strogonoff looks amazing, and i love how Eli is a broccoli purist! the hug photo below is soo cute!!! :o)
Hi Julee,
Just letting you know Anne and I look at your vegan blog all the time. Love the pictures of the food and it's especially cool to see the pics of Eli and Emma. Please tell them Uncle Rick and Aunt Anne said hello. Love you and miss you.
Rick and Anne
The stroganoff looks yummy. Glad the Cheezy Broccoli Rice Casserole turned out ok for you. The Blue Banana Muffins below looks great, especially with Earth Balance. Have you tried the Whipped Earth Balance yet? I find it works well when you want EB to spread on something.
Eli knows what he likes and how he likes it! Very cool. I smiled when i read how he wants to eat his broccoli. Glad he *wants* to eat his broccoli!!!
Great posters!
And that stroganoff... OY! That really looks so great and the kids' meal (i think it's theirs) in that bottom pic... wow, i wish when i was little that my mom would've made me such incredible vittles!!
I have spelling errors too! I think it's unpossible to knot have them
Your home in Alaska sounds amazing! I used to joke that I was going to buy a house there one day so I could get away from the summer heat. The more I hear about it, though, the less it seems like a joke. :) I didn't know there were rain forestes up there either. Wow. I'm sure it gets tough with the "island-itis", but it sure must beat sitting on the 405 freeway in LA. lol
I love your "kid friendly" adaptations to your meals. I may have to try some of those tricks on my somewhat picky b/f!
I haven't had stroganoff in years. I'm not a fan of the mushroom, so I would just pick mine out and put them on Jim's plate. HA! And cheez sauce - mmmmm! Nice photos!
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