Our very green dinner. Green noodles from
The Vegetarian Family Cookbook by
Nava Atlas. A very kid friendly recipe. Basically it is green peas, steamed broccoli, a bit of silken tofu and soy milk pureed. I used to make this a lot when the kids were toddlers. I haven't made in quite a while though. It seemed a bit bland for me, but that is probably why the kids like it. Note to self.. next time it would be awesome smothered w/ some sauteed garlic, onions and mushrooms.

The Best Pumpkin Muffins from Vegan w/a Vengeance .. and if you don't have the book (who doesn't?) the recipe is on the post punk kitchen
And they truly are the best! Emma and I made them this morning. Yet another classmate will be celebrating a birthday this week.Which means they will be bringing cupcakes to school. So we have to be prepared.
She was cute while making them she saw how much sugar was going in and said " these are kinda not good for you, huh mom? well, at least they have pumpkin in them and at least that's a fruit or something"
green noodles...that is a great idea for kids. I'll keep it in mind (for a couple years down the road...when I have kids that is)
OMG, that is SO funny!
"these are kinda not good for you, huh mom? well, at least they have pumpkin in them and at least that's a fruit or something"
Out of the mouths of babes!!!
Lovin' the green! It's not JUST for St. Patrick's Day!
I definitely want to try those pumpkin muffins soon. They sound fab and look great. That's so cute what your daughter said :)
I need to make those muffins soon. The green noodles sound good--and yes, I like your sautéed veggies idea too!
I would never have thought of making my own noodles! Very cool.
I love anything pumkin flavored. It's one of my favorite things about fall. All the yummy pumpkin pies and muffins and soy lattes. lol. Your muffins look delicious.
I still haven't picked up Vegan With a Vengence. (I've been working my way through Vive le Vegan). Maybe it's time to hit the bookstore again.
pea noodles! That is a fantastic kid tricking (or boyfriend tricking dish) - how awesome. I've been wanting to do a pureed broccoli one myself...
Green & orange--what a great, healthy combo. Those pumpkin muffs from VWAV are the beta carotene bomb, aren't they?
that muffins looks so tasty, i must try to make them soon!
grenn food looks cool too!
i love that you post kid friendly food.
I wanted to thank you for your link to the Vegan Cookbook Tester. I've been trying to remember where my favorite tortilla soup recipe came from, and I found it on that site. Now I can make it for Sunday dinner.
You're obviously raising Emma right!
I love the green noodles idea! (awesome photos too!) YUM!
Those muffins look great. I had to laugh at the cuteness of your daughter! How alert she is to see the sugar go in and mention it to you!!!!
Your daughter just displayed the kind of nutritional wisdom that most adults in this country need more of! Way to go, mom!
The green noodles look good, I'm wondering how the sauce would taste over shirataki noodles.... I may have to find out!
It looks good even if they didn't taste the best
Hi there!
i'm really thinking about preparing muffins! you know i never tried one??! in italy, they were not popular when i wasn't vegan (more than 6 years ago) but well i wanna try them now! so i need to make them myself!
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