seitan three ways..'beef', 'turkey' and 'ham'
I guess I got stuck in my seitan rut only using the VWAV recipe and was ready to try another recipe. The LDV method of seitan making requires some time investments as you need to deflate the seitan every ten minutes.
After the rave reviews from the "beef" I was anxious to try the other seitan recipes from LDV and decided on the "ham" and "turkey".. Funny, I really liked the "turkey", but Eli and Emma preferred the "ham"- I thought it was just too salty. Overall though the "beef" was by far every one's favorite. I will be sticking w/ the VWAV recipe when I want to make nuggets though it just has a denser texture I prefer.

Yes, we have been eating an obnoxious amount of carrots lately.. The available produce at the store is in a mid winter slump around here.. Over priced and marginal at best.
Labels: black beans, cream of tomato, honeys favorite, La Dolce Vegan, quinoa, seitan
I could eat carrots every day! it's a sickness, really. ;p
you make me want to try the mock beef, even though I'm a little spooked at how beef-like it will be.
I like the 3 different methods. I really wish there was a very simple method for preparing seitan. Every method I've come across requires quite a bit of time. I suppose I could just buy it in the store - but that's far too expensive for me. Funny about the carrots. We've been eating nothing but green beans but that's because I'm hooked on them and don't want to eat anything else.
the black beans and quinoa look awesome! I'll have to pull out my cookbook and see the differences in the recipes you're talking about.
Everything looks great! I love seitan, but have only ever used one recipe (from Vegan Vittles). You have inspired me to branch out and try others!
Everything looks great, especially the quinoa and black beans.
For the seitan, could you maybe use the VWAV recipe, but sub in the spices from LDV? I don't own LDV, so I have no real idea if that would work.
I have tried the seitan for LDV, but I have Bryanna's tofu seitan recipes which Ihave made the dough in by bread machine with. I make the sietan into roasts into my crockpot.
Glad you found a flavor you like. My personal favorite seasoning is very garlicy like a keilbasa would be.
I'm not really into mock meats, but I made some seitan recently where all you do is mix it up, then let it bake for 2 hours. It was fantastic!
So I'm really liking your quinoa and black beans (one of my favorites) and the creamy tomato soup!
thanks for sharing your 3 ways with seitan -- i've only made the vwav & i'm ready to try another recipe. for the longest time, i've been wanting to make your nuggets...
Oh my! Quesadillas with creamy tomato soup. Sounds so yummy. And perfect for this wet and cold day. Yummy...
M is now addicted to seitan, but I have yet to make it. I tried once and failed miserably!
I know I have already posted a comment on this post, but I just had a quick question. Since we like so much of the same foods, I was wondering if you'd like to participate in the recipe exchange that I mentioned on my blog? Drop me an email at laurafayeb at bellsouth dot net if you are interested!
everything looks sooo good!
and i'm glad you said what you did about seitan. i've only made the VWaV version and have been scared to break away and try different preparations. store bought seitan memories are just so awful and i've been scared to take the time and deviate from what i know works.
now i may go forth into my kitchen unafraid after my mouth watered at each of your successes! ;)
wow you really are great making seitan, looks good!
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